The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists reports a shortage of diptheria, tetanus toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine. Daptacel is the brand name of this Sanofi-Pasteur vaccine. Please see my related post earlier today and the CDC guidance document.
Shortage of DTaP - IPV/Hib vaccine
Guidance for Vaccinating Children during the 2012 Pentacel® and Daptacel® Shortage
Sanofi-Pasteur cites "manufacturing delays" for the Daptacel and Pentacel shortages. Here are some related blog posts, but of course the mainstream media might also be a driving force behind this shortage as people read and react to the risk of not vaccinating their children at all or not completing the recommended childhood vaccination schedule.
Washington State Declares Whooping Cough Epidemic
Idaho infant dies from whooping cough amid regional outbreak
Washington state on track for major pertussis epidemic
Whooping Cough Epidemic
The blogs and this New York Times article make several key points: (1) Most cases since before a vaccine was available. (2) Until last year, Washington state had the easiest law allowing parents to opt out of immunizations required by public schools for fear of vaccines, philosophical, or religious reasons. (3) Washington state had the highest opt out rate. (4) The rest of the population is put at increased risk if 5-15% of the population is unvaccinated. (5) Changes in the vaccine to reduce side effects have resulted in a shorter period of protection against the disease (Physicians First Watch).
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